Monthly Archives: October 2012

Smooth Sunday – Last night’s work

Greetings, In our last episode :), I was working on rearranging and audio file our keyboardist recorded into a basic arrangement for the band to start rehearsing. The only thing in the audio file I wanted to delete was the … Continue reading

Posted in Logic/Logic Pro/Logic Pro 8, Music Production/Studio Recording | 2 Comments

Chronicles of a Mix – M&Ms (10 Oct 12)

Greetings… 11:46 am on a Thursday and I’m breaking for lunch a little early, but eating at my desk (have a task I’m working on with a colleague and just got the ok from our supervisor on format – of … Continue reading

Posted in Logic/Logic Pro/Logic Pro 8, Music Production/Studio Recording | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Working on a new arrangement – Smooth Sunday

Greetings…. It’s about 8:34 pm, beat from a long day at work. It wasn’t busy, but I was up late last night working out a tune strictly from an audio file. I’m sitting in the studio tonite, about to chart … Continue reading

Posted in Logic/Logic Pro/Logic Pro 8, Music Production/Studio Recording | Leave a comment

Chronicles of Mix – 06 Oct 12 ::: Drums anyone?

Greetings. It’s been quite some time since I’ve posted from my blog. With all the social networking sites in full bloom, it seems that blogging is passe now (at least the behemoths like Facebook around). In any event, I’d like … Continue reading

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