Monthly Archives: July 2011

Health and Wellness Week: July 25 – 29: 8 Surprising Benefits of Drinking Water

Greetings… On this next to the last day of Health and Wellness Week, I decided to post about another physical aspect of well being and that is the benefits of water. All you physicians check me on this, but from … Continue reading

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Health and Wellness Week: July 25 – 29 – Motivation to be well.

Hello all…. Hope everyone is well (no pun intended) This week is National Health and Welness Week and though we are into our second day of it, I thought I’d do a quick post in conjunction to what my friend … Continue reading

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That’s The Way I Like It (B-side) – Slave/New Plateau (1984)

Crew… What’s up? Over the last month or so, I keep finding out real good things about Slave that I never knew about. Through the tribute post I did for Mr. Mark in March, I’ve received some great comments, an … Continue reading

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Morning run (08 Jul 11): Nike+

Good morning crew… Happy Friday to all. It’s been a minute since I blogged about running, much less blogged at all, but since I have a few minutes this morning before I head into the office, why not. If you’ve … Continue reading

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