Tag Archives: smooth

Halcyon Sky (debut EP) – Day 6

Whew… a long day (sleepless last night for the most part), so this is a quick update. Worked on one of the tracks today that I’ve laid the foundation for. The focus today was only building up and deciding on … Continue reading

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The Sunday Soundtrack – 14 Apr 13

Greetings Listeners…. Welcome to another edition of The Sunday Soundtrack. “It’s been a long time, I shouldn’t have left you…” (a little hip hop lyric reference there). It’s great to be back with another edition, albeit overdue, of the podcast. … Continue reading

Posted in Indie Artists, Podcasting, Sunday Soundtrack Musings, Sunday Soundtrack Podcast | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

“You Love Me”

A smooth little groove, one of the songs on my band’s set list, we use a filler….Enjoy.

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 101010

Welcome listeners, to another edition of The Sunday Soundtrack. Here we are in the last quarter of the year, 2010. Seems like a whirlwind of time has past. Sometimes I just wanna stop the world, and hop off, hahah. Hope … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 19 Sep 10

“Morning Sky”- Photo Credit: Hey Kim! 2010 Good day listeners… Welcome to another edition of The Sunday Soundtrack. I hope your week was (or is) going well. Here we are half way through September and I have to ask the … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 5 Sep 10

Photo Credit: A.K., 2010 Hello listeners. Hope this post finds you well. The Labor Day weekend, for those of us in the U.S., is upon us. I, for one, am glad that I’m able to get an extra day to … Continue reading

Posted in Sunday Soundtrack Podcast | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack- 29 Aug 10 (Exodus of Summer)

Haigis Beach. Cape Cod, MA. Photo credit: Fresh! Welcome Listeners… Always glad to have you tune in to The Sunday Soundtrack. I just got back from a VERY relaxing week in Cape Cod, MA. Pretty much slept until 11am at … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 18 Oct 09

Photo Credit: Delaney_55 Greetings Listeners…. I hope this podcast finds u well. I like the graphic chosen for this week’s podcast. It describes how the past few days have been, lots of rain, overcast skies, and a blustery day or … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack (XM Summer Driveby: Vol 1) – 16 Aug 09

Photo Credit: Kim Greetings listeners…. Welcome back to the Sunday Soundtrack for 16 Aug 09. I trust all is well with you. Here we are in the month of August. I want a do-over (as we used to say as … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack f/Ben Tankard – 29 Mar 09

Hello listeners… I trust all is well with you. As some of you know, I’ve been on a 21-day fast, one that leads up to Resurrection Day, and I will admit, it has NOT been easy in some key areas, … Continue reading

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