Monthly Archives: September 2009

Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 27 Sep 09

Good day listeners…. I hope this blog post finds you well. Welcome to the autumnal equinox, we’re into it officially and I’m lovin’ it. Being a four seasons man, I welcome the variety that all four bring, weatherwise. We’ve had … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – TBOC’ 08 Recast – 26 Sep 09

Photo Credit: Dennis AB Welcome listeners.. I’m glad you’ve tuned into another editio of the SSP. It’s been an extremely busy week (my eyes want to close, but it’s only 7:58pm Sunday evening). I had an new SSP to post … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 09 Sep 09

Photo Credit: Ray G. Listeners, How are you? Welcome back to another edition of The Sunday Soundtrack. Always glad you can partake of the music I bring forth. It’s definitely a labor of love and I appreciate the comments left … Continue reading

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