Monthly Archives: February 2009

One minute tasty thing (instant groove)

Technology has really afforded anyone with just a little computer savvy to record music a variety of different ways, very quickly. I was cleaning up my external drive and came across a little sumthin’ I threw together just as I … Continue reading

Posted in Logic/Logic Pro/Logic Pro 8, Music Production/Studio Recording | 2 Comments


This is me, visually (…a relatively close facsimile, anyway). Read Fresh’s VisualDNAâ„¢ Get your own VisualDNAâ„¢

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From The Vault – Fresh’s Musical Genesis

Greetings folks… From this point on, I’ll occassionally post some gems from my musical journey to present (as it’s been a lonnng journey thus far…haha). Hope u enjoy the ride as well This one tells the beginning of how I … Continue reading

Posted in From The Vault | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

Ten Ways To Stay Grounded In a Busy World

This post I can’t take credit for, and I can’t quite recall the original source, but it speaks great truths to me. I often partake it some of the advice but hope to increase in those areas where I don’t. … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Musings, Life Slots | Tagged | 2 Comments

Seems like the perfect combo: A Hackintosh’d Dell Mini 9

For the longest time I’ve been considering a netbook. Why, for the obvious reasons…ultraportable computing and a good cross between a standard size laptop and the smaller Sony Vaio. I’ve had online discussions and tweets with Roddykat and Kenya and … Continue reading

Posted in Apple, Macintosh, Technology | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

That Sunday Soundtrack Global Outreach…I love it.

Had to share a comment from the Facebook group…a comment that makes doing this podcast all worthwhile. Have a great day! Christophe Sandot (France) wrote at 7:46pm yesterday Bonjour Doug ; ) Happy to read you, i like your warm … Continue reading

Posted in Sunday Soundtrack Musings | Leave a comment

Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack (recast 1 Jun 08) – 22 Feb 09

Hey folks…. Thanks for listening in once again. While this week wasn’t VERY busy (this past Friday night and Saturday evening moreso), I didn’t get the new tracks I was hoping to get, and currently need to troubleshoot a mic … Continue reading

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Fusion: Where Music, Technology, and Artist Creativity Intersect

Hello readers and listeners. I trust all is well today. This post is a follow-up to the previous post about the subject of an upcoming podcast I hope to resurrect entitled Fusion. The concept of this podcast came to me … Continue reading

Posted in Arts, Music Production/Studio Recording, Photography, Social Networking, Technology | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Coming Soon…. :::FUSION:::

Coming soon… FUSION – Where music, technology, and the artist intersect (a podcast) Stay tuned….4….details. peace, F!

Posted in Music Production/Studio Recording, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

150 East – Jazzin’ it…

Good people… Hope all is well. Here’s a quick clip of the band I’m in, 150 East, performing at DC Metro area wedding reception a year ago. This is our edition of Jeff Lorber’s “Reflections”. Your’s truly on guitar. peace… … Continue reading

Posted in Live Music | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments