Monthly Archives: August 2011

DDO (Digital Day Off) #2

Greetings readers… 12:17am. Happy Monday, for those in the EST zone. For those who read my post below, I decided I was due for another digital day off. One reason I took it is that I’ve been recalling how it … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Musings, Life Slots | Tagged | 1 Comment

Sample library elements – A creative approach in production

Greetings producers, sound designers, “beatmakers”, musicians. Hope your day is going well. Last night I took some time to again categorize samples from sample CDs I get from the magazines Future Music and Computer Music. Some of you have read … Continue reading

Posted in Music Production/Studio Recording | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

The Sunday Soundtrack – 07 Aug 11 – featuring Clara Hill

Greetings listeners. Welcome to another edition of The Sunday Soundtrack! It’s been about a nine month hiatus…whew…long time coming, but it’s good to be back once again. It’s been a hot summer this year…all the more better to bring you … Continue reading

Posted in Sunday Soundtrack Podcast | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 11 Comments