Monthly Archives: November 2022

Digital Day Off (DDO) – An exercise in virtual abstinence

This blog post was originally published back in May 2010. Over the last 12 years, a lot has happened in the world of digital consumer technology in the area of social media and mobile devices, though I believe the grip … Continue reading

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GOT (‘Til It’s Gone): Gamification Of Things

You Janet Jackson fans will recognize what I did there in the post title (wink). Greetings all. We humans have been presented with methodologies and processes aimed at motivating us to to things for a reward, for decades. Oxford’s Dictionary … Continue reading

Posted in Apple Watch, Fitness/Training/Nutrition, Nike Fuel | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Tesla Model S – Gimmie!

Greetings all… So yeah, this ride, this automobile above, I’ve been kinda feenin’ for it over the last year or so, maybe more. As a matter of fact, I did a recent Tech Times podcast episode about this very blog … Continue reading

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Climate Change is real (70 degF – 12 Nov)

A few weeks ago, I was headed to the gym on Saturday afternoon. I had not been out all day and didn’t check the forecast, all I know is that it was bright and sunny out. As I left the … Continue reading

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Podcasting: Then and Now

Podcasting has been around for as long as I have been officially blogging, which means 2007 (or possibly even 2001, when I coded my own home page in Geocities). Today it is big business and far more popular with the … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasting, Sunday Soundtrack Podcast, Uncategorized | Tagged | Leave a comment

Do you continue to use archaic technology and why?

Greetings all. I this post finds you well. Raise your hand, toot a horn, etc, if you know what this above image is. In case you don’t know, it’s a device that allowed me to personally and really get introduced … Continue reading

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Giving Thanks (today and always)

Greetings All… Today is designated as Thanksgiving Day, here in the US. For those who are celebrating it, amongst all the commercialism and such, I hope that you are enjoying it. Whether you are solo or amongst family and/or friends, … Continue reading

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Pet Peeves of text (and similar) messaging communications 

“Did you get my text?” Greetings all – hope all is well with you this week. Text messaging nee SMS aka short messaging system. Frankly, this ubiquitous form of communication is still revolutionary and extremely convenient. It’s so helpful in … Continue reading

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The art of listening to music (redux/repost)

The other day, my coworker paid his usual visit to my office to talk about his audiophile hobby. He has a very extensive vinyl collection and has invested thousands of dollars into his audio system. He’s not much older than … Continue reading

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Twitter and the (bitter)sweet 16!

Greetings all. I hope you’re well. Today (actually tonight at 11:43:36 pm) will mark the 16th birthday of being a Twitter user. My very first tweet is below: I’ve seen the the evolution of Twitter since pretty much the very … Continue reading

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