Monthly Archives: June 2009

Music Production on the MPC

Greetings producers,… I finally started getting up to speed on the latest addition to The Lab…the Akai MPC 1000. I’ve viewed 100’s of videos on YouTube of artists that produce music on all versions of the MPC. For a … Continue reading

Posted in Music Production/Studio Recording, Uncategorized | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 28 Jun 09

Hello Listeners… Thanks for checking out the Sunday Soundtrack once again, it’s always a pleasure bringing it to you. Here we are, in the summer solstice once again. Being a four seasons man, I always embrace it (u can keep … Continue reading

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Call me a neo-Luddite (old tech wins this round….)

In my recording studio, I have a very old sampler, a Yamaha TX16W. This sampler has a 3.5″ disk drive that reads Yamaha’s proprietary format sample lilbrary. I have at least three cases of sample disks that I’d like to … Continue reading

Posted in Apple, Macintosh, Music Production/Studio Recording, Technology | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Remember The Time……

My Favorite Song By MJ

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Music – The Global Outreach and Eternal Gift (A contest too!)

A very cool thing occurred this afternoon while at work. A few months ago, I was passing through the usual virtual spots and, as customary, always keeping an eye out for interesting websites that would fit the overall theme of … Continue reading

Posted in Indie Artists, Sunday Soundtrack Musings | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 14 Jun 09 (for 21 Jun 09)

Hello listeners, Twitter followers and Facebook group members… Thanks again for tuning into another edition of The Sunday Soundtrack. I trust your weekend and/or week is going well. It’s been a good one thus far. Work is getting busier and … Continue reading

Posted in Sunday Soundtrack Podcast | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

“Saggin’ “

Saggin Pants This was passed onto me by an old HS friend. While you have probably heard this story (the backwards spelling of the word), I have seen other than black men sporting what they call this “fad”. The bottom … Continue reading

Posted in Life Slots | Tagged | 1 Comment

Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 07 Jun 09

Hello Listeners… Good to be back with another Sunday Soundtrack podcast. It’s my gift to you (as well as me) and I really enjoy every chance I get to do it. I hope your week has been good, or is … Continue reading

Posted in Sunday Soundtrack Podcast | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

PodcampDC 2009: The Planning Stages!

Greetings… I hope this post finds you well. There are a few of us on Twitter who have decided to start planning for PodCamp DC 2009 @digitalfangirl, @koa, @jaywalk1 and I are in the initial stages of planning PodcampDC 2009. … Continue reading

Posted in Social Networking, Technology | Leave a comment

The Ten P’s of Prosperity – Number 3: Pen and Paper

Greetings readers. Here is the third “P” (or I should say “P”s from motivational speaker Jewel Diamond Taylor from her list of life-guiding principles. Number 3: Pen and Paper: Thou shalt write down thy goals. Think it, then ink it. … Continue reading

Posted in Life Slots | 1 Comment