Category Archives: Social Networking

30 of 30 straight days: blogposts

Well, the challenge has been met. Thirty days. thirty blogposts – done. I knew it wasn’t going to be a difficult challenge. If you go back to my first post of this challenge on November 14th, you can read about … Continue reading

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The Social Media Trends Bandwagon – Do you “do you”?

Without going deep (simply because I have not that time in the least bit), many of us have used social media in some shape or form since it’s been created (remember when the term was called “social networking?). All the … Continue reading

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Digital Day Off (DDO) – An exercise in virtual abstinence

This blog post was originally published back in May 2010. Over the last 12 years, a lot has happened in the world of digital consumer technology in the area of social media and mobile devices, though I believe the grip … Continue reading

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Twitter and the (bitter)sweet 16!

Greetings all. I hope you’re well. Today (actually tonight at 11:43:36 pm) will mark the 16th birthday of being a Twitter user. My very first tweet is below: I’ve seen the the evolution of Twitter since pretty much the very … Continue reading

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Exploring Mastodon

Greetings, I hope this post finds you well. This is the post for Day 4 of the #30DayBlogChallenge that Soulcruzer, Darrenkeith, and I have accepted. For those of you unaware, Mastodon is free and open-source software for running self-hosted social networking services. It has microblogging features … Continue reading

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Digital Minimalism (The Newport Way): 30 Day Results

Greetings, From 27 August through 30 September, I set out to do a modified version of what Cal Newport discusses in his best-selling book “Digital Minimalism”. Essentially, the detox calls to get rid of using, not just social media sites, … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Musings, Social Networking, Technology, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Oversharing – Is there such a thing in social media?

Greetings all… This particular post is twofold, maybe threefold, in that it piggybacks on my previous post about the Twitter doomsday posts/articles regarding Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter. What I mean by threefold is the genesis of this post comes … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Musings, Social Networking, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

The Doomsday being presented as Elon Musk’s Twitter

I joined Twitter in November 2006, upon being told about it by a friend I knew from the days of AOL Instant Messenger, iMusic, Yahoo Instant Messenger, and Blackplanet, Lis. Shortly afterwards, I began to connect with other early adapters … Continue reading

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The Return of Tech Times – The Podcast

Greetings all, If you’re fortunate enough to have Labor Day off and not working as I type this, I hope you’re enjoying the weekend. This post signifies the return of a podcast I started back in the Summer of 2013, … Continue reading

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Social media’s growing influence (and distraction)

Ok, I get it…old hat, right, right. How ironic is it that I have written this post to primarily appear on social media (my Twitter account). With regards to the subject of this post, I’ve read what feels like a … Continue reading

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