Monthly Archives: February 2014

Halcyon Sky (debut EP) – Day 6

Whew… a long day (sleepless last night for the most part), so this is a quick update. Worked on one of the tracks today that I’ve laid the foundation for. The focus today was only building up and deciding on … Continue reading

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Halcyon Sky (debut EP) – Day 5

Friday. The fifth day in the development of this project. I hope this post finds you well. With every song I’ve ever uploaded to the internet or submitted for a podcast (obviously for someone else’s listening pleasure), I’ve strived to … Continue reading

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Halcyon Sky (debut EP) – Day 4

Photo Credit: Leland Melvin/Instagram ND/HS Greetings… Sunday evening, sitting in “Studio B”, noticing it’s just about time for the NBA All-Star Game tipoff. Today was pretty quiet in The Lab. Last night, I sent a track, in progress, to two … Continue reading

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Halcyon Sky (debut EP) – Day 3

1:15PM. Woke up this morning to at least find the sun shining, which means snow removal assistance, so that’s a good thing. After getting the day started, I found some more inspiration for this collaboration track. After listening back, I … Continue reading

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CH 2014: Every VDay Deserves a Great Soundtrack (A Sunday Soundtrack Special Edition)

Greetings Listeners… I trust this post finds you well. I have returned to the Cupid’s Hunt Podcast Extravaganza after a 4 year layoff. I’m pleased to bring you a special edition of the Sunday Soundtrack for those celebration this “Love’s … Continue reading

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Halcyon Sky (debut EP) – Day 2

So, we’re into another Snowpocalypse, which means I need to go shovel in about an hour. Until then, I’m down in the studio thinking about expanding the arrangement of one of the with further instrumentation, specifically via Massive. Massive is … Continue reading

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Halcyon Sky (debut EP) – Day 1

Today I began working on one of the tracks entitled Deep (f/C3), from the EP . The entire release will have a fair share of beats and samples, but at the same time, actual instrumentation as well (myself and a … Continue reading

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Halcyon Sky (debut EP)

Greetings readers…hope all is well with all of you. This is the first of what I plan to be many posts chronocling the start, production, and release of my first EP, Halcyon Sky, so I thought I’d take you on … Continue reading

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The Return to Coding….

Today was an interesting day, one of the more interesting days I’ve had with regards tech meetups. In the spring of 2013, I decided it was high time that I return to learning computer programming. Yeah, I had taken (and … Continue reading

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