Monthly Archives: November 2009

Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 22 Nov 09

Good evening listeners… Thanks, as usual, for checking back in. It’s about 8:15pm here in the DMV. It’s been a pretty midline weekend in that it wasn’t too busy or too laid back. I’m definitely glad we’re approaching the holiday … Continue reading

Posted in Sunday Soundtrack Podcast | 4 Comments

PSA: 2010 Census is Coming – Beware of Scammers

Sharing some advice from our company’s Security Office. Read and heed. Have a great day, F! 2010 Census to Begin THIS IS PRETTY BASIC ADVICE; BUT, IN TODAY’S TIMES, I CAN SEE IT COULD LEAVE AN OPEN DOOR FOR PASSING … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 08 Nov 09

Photo Credit: Kenya Allmond Greetings Listeners… How’s everyone’s weekend been? I hope well and extend the wishes to your day if the weekend is over when u are listening to this. Next month will be the two year anniversary of … Continue reading

Posted in Sunday Soundtrack Podcast | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Fusion: An Interview with The Big La (Todd Kelley)

Hello readers and listeners. I trust all is well today. This post is a follow-up to the previous post about the subject of an upcoming podcast I hope to resurrect entitled Fusion. The concept of this podcast came to me … Continue reading

Posted in Music Production/Studio Recording | 1 Comment

Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 01 Nov 09

Greetings listeners…. Welcome to the 11th month of 2009. Guess you may have been asking yourself the same question I have….”Where has the year gone?” Seems like just yesterday, I was sitting at this very same spot saying…”Here we are…2009….” … Continue reading

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