Tag Archives: social media


Greetings… 9:35pm – I just realized that February might have gotten away from me without a post because I’m shooting for at least one per month. Tonight this post is prompted by the fact that I’m definitely feeling info overload…mainly … Continue reading

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The Social Media Trends Bandwagon – Do you “do you”?

Without going deep (simply because I have not that time in the least bit), many of us have used social media in some shape or form since it’s been created (remember when the term was called “social networking?). All the … Continue reading

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Twitter and the (bitter)sweet 16!

Greetings all. I hope you’re well. Today (actually tonight at 11:43:36 pm) will mark the 16th birthday of being a Twitter user. My very first tweet is below: I’ve seen the the evolution of Twitter since pretty much the very … Continue reading

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Social media’s growing influence (and distraction)

Ok, I get it…old hat, right, right. How ironic is it that I have written this post to primarily appear on social media (my Twitter account). With regards to the subject of this post, I’ve read what feels like a … Continue reading

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The Phone Zone – Lessons in Reduction

Greetings and good evening…. As is often said, “Where did the month go?” Three more days until we enter in the last quarter of 2018. It’s just after 9pm and it was a long day at work – two hour … Continue reading

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Social Media Sabbatical (SMS): Day 23 – 23 Aug 18 – Using less social media – Pt. 3

Greetings all… Long work week, but the good thing is one more day left, until a two-day break from it all. So, as those who have been keeping up know, I have eight more days until this FB/Instagram/Reddit/etc social media … Continue reading

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Social Media Sabbatical (SMS): Day 20 – 20 Aug 18 – Using less social media – Pt. 2

Another workday Monday has come and gone. It was productive, tedious but productive. This morning, the usual diatribe occurred between me and my brother in podcasting/tech/photographer/music, DarrenKeith regarding our social media use, or lack thereof. The discussion was briefly about … Continue reading

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Social Media Sabbatical (SMS): Day 16 – 16 Aug 18

Greetings all… After a solid two weeks of no Facebook and Instagram, I’m starting to see it’s not really jsut the avoidance of using the two, but more so this: Tnat is all, moving along now…nothing more to see here. … Continue reading

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Social Media Sabbatical (SMS): Day 14 – 14 Aug 18

Greetings readers… Hope all is well with you and yours. Ironically, another Twitter (and IG) friend, B.Tramuel, posted the link to an article entitled Managing Your Social Media Intake (Without Quitting it Completely). Our Twitter exchange went like this: Yeah, … Continue reading

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Social Media Sabbatical (SMS): Day 13 – 13 Aug 18 – Google Tracking/Data Harvesting

Now Playing: Fluid – Drown in the electronic sound of instrumental hiphop, future soul and liquid trap – on SomaFM.com Greetings good people. Happy Monday, or whatever day you are reading this. Glad this workday is behind me, not because … Continue reading

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