Social Media Sabbatical (SMS): Day 16 – 16 Aug 18

« 16 August 2018 | 10:24 | Daily Musings, Social Networking, Technology | 2 Comments »

Greetings all… After a solid two weeks of no Facebook and Instagram, I’m starting to see it’s not really jsut the avoidance of using the two, but more so this: Tnat is all, moving along now…nothing more to see here. Fresh!

That thing, that thing, that thiiiiinnnng (the cellphone)

« 2 May 2014 | 22:52 | Daily Musings, Technology | 2 Comments »

[9:32PM EST]. Hit the road to pick up my daughter from a school field trip. As I was driving, the lights and traffic caused me to think of some things…nothing in particular…but the scene was strangely thought provoking. I pulled up to the stoplight, about 5 minutes from my house, only to realize I left […]