Monthly Archives: January 2009

The Sunday Soundtrack – Jazzin’ It – The 51st Annual Grammy Awards

Welcome all, to this special edition of The Sunday Soundtrack. I’ve been graciously asked by The Grammys to do a special podcast featuring the jazz nominees. This Grammy podcast mini-collective also includes three other podcasters in our massive – Fave … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 25 Jan 09

Welcome crew… Sunday…Sunday. I hope everyone’s doing well and that you’ve been enjoying (if u choose) the historic transition into the new leadership of this country. I chose not to get “in the mix” (no pun intended) of the live … Continue reading

Posted in Sunday Soundtrack Podcast | Tagged , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

The oPhone!

First there was the Blackberry, the cash cow of Research In Motion (RIM), a mobile phone of immense popularity. Now, arguably the best mobile phone ever created, the iPhone has taken the mobile phone community by storm (no pun intended, … Continue reading

Posted in Technology | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

Time Management – The Elusive Continuum

It’s about 11:05 am on the night of the Presidential Inauguration. I took off from work today to take in the events and festivities from home. It was a very good day, historic to say the least. I’m determined to … Continue reading

Posted in Life Slots | Tagged | 2 Comments

Inauguration Day 2009 – Congrats Mr. President

Photo Credit: AP but true “change” doesn’t REALLY start from the White House….check it: peace. F!

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack (24Feb08 recast) -18 Jan 09

Welcome! Always good to have you back. I hope this netcast finds you in good health and good spirits. It’s Inauguration Weekend here in the Nation’s Capital and metro area is quickly filling up. For those friends and family in … Continue reading

Posted in Sunday Soundtrack Podcast | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Mo’ music musings – studio recording/business activities

Ok…following up from the last post on this subject, the track we recorded here actually had enough content to be approved by the head of the music department at my church, so it will eventually be taught to the mass … Continue reading

Posted in Music Production/Studio Recording | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack (08 June 08 recast)

Hello Listeners… Thanks for checkin’ out the Sunday Soundtrack today. As I have mentioned in previous posts (and whined to some of you about personally…LOL) how I was going to rebuild the deleted archives from the first year of The … Continue reading

Posted in Sunday Soundtrack Podcast | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Mo’ music musings – studio recording

Ok, so we’re into ’09 and already I’m tryna capitalize on the usage of time management and prioritizing in order to get more material out, as said in my last post. My partner and I just finished recording a four … Continue reading

Posted in Music Production/Studio Recording | Tagged | 5 Comments

Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 04 Jan 09

Happy 2K9 to all. I trust the new year has started off great for everyone…and…if not, there are still 361 days left! I’m excited, despite the fact I brought over a few things from ’08 that I would have preferred … Continue reading

Posted in Sunday Soundtrack Podcast | Tagged , , , , , , , | 7 Comments