Monthly Archives: May 2010

A DDO Realized (An experiment in virtual abstinence)

Hello Readers… I hope all is well with you. and that your Memorial Day will be or was spent, to some extent, doing what the holiday was created for – in memory of the men and women in our armed … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack (recast)

Greetings Listeners… Yes, it’s been two months since the last SSP, and a good friend who recently had a minor coughing fit (hahah), pinged me about the lack of podcasts. Ironically, I went from weekly to monthly in order to … Continue reading

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Why minidisc? (….in 2010)

Greetings readers…. For those who have been following my posts here, as well as on Twitter, you know that I’ve been ,along with another friend, on the minidisc technology topic for some time now – reasoning pretty much alludes to … Continue reading

Posted in Minidisc: The Platform | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

We like MD

Greetings crew… This post actually originates from Posterous (I posted it there Saturday night). It’s just a quick post (the catalyst to a larger one in the future). Maybe you’ll find it interesting. You can find it here. Have a … Continue reading

Posted in Minidisc: The Platform | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments