Monthly Archives: July 2010

7th Run – Nike+

What’s up crew… Hope all is well. After a string of HOT days, the temps have eased down a bit. I packed my gym bag this morning hoping to run, but didn’t think I’d get it in. Boss is back … Continue reading

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6th Run – Nike+

Greetings crew. This afternoon’s run wasn’t TOO bad. After sufficiently warming up, I hit the treadmill again hoping to better my run time over yesterday. I started at a 5 mph pace and it felt good….up until reaching 400 m … Continue reading

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5th Run – Nike+

Greetings crew: I hope this post finds you well. Today was the first indoor run using the Nike Plus system. As you already know, I am definitely into it. It was a lunch time run in our corporate gym on … Continue reading

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4th Run – revisited (Nike+)

It’s about 8:17am. I got into work early this morning (but not early enough) hoping to get into the software lab before my colleagues, to do a run a quick login procedure for a practice demonstration later this morning. Getting … Continue reading

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4th Run – Nike+

Greetings…. Just got in not too long ago from run #4. It’s been a crazy busy weekend and I would have much preferred to run early this morning, but that wasn’t possible at all. That being said, I had to … Continue reading

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3rd Run – Nike+

Good morning crew. 6:00 am: On the move this Saturday morning. Getting ready to head out for run #3. Busy day ahead … 3 rehearsals with three different church choirs (eyein’ my guitar beside me). Finishng up this protein shake, … Continue reading

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2nd Run – Nike+

What’s up follks? Hope all is well. In our last episode (my first run), I had issues with the iPod Touch seeing the sensor, but that’s old hat. Today I took my second (official) run, which incidentally was a run/wallk. … Continue reading

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1st Run – Nike+ iPod (Nike Plus)

Greetings readers… I hope this post finds you well. Some of you that have known me for years also know that I regularly try to exercise and have been working out more on than off since college. For those that … Continue reading

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