Tag Archives: sampling

Sample library elements – A creative approach in production

Greetings producers, sound designers, “beatmakers”, musicians. Hope your day is going well. Last night I took some time to again categorize samples from sample CDs I get from the magazines Future Music and Computer Music. Some of you have read … Continue reading

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Chronicles of A Remix – Vol.2: Stop It Now/Karlina Veras – Pt.1

Greetings Crew… Back with another edition in the series entitled “Chronicles of A Remix”. In this edition, I’ll bring you in on a song I’m producing for Santo Domingo born, London-based vocalist, Karlina Veras. Karlina and I connected via Twitter … Continue reading

Posted in Indie Artists, Logic/Logic Pro/Logic Pro 8, Music Production/Studio Recording | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Sample Library Organization – Making Workflow Efficient

Greetings… Thanks for stopping by. Some of you may have read a three part series I did recently on Sampling and Music Compostion. Over the last two days (Thanksgiving morning and evening, and this evening), I decided to gather up … Continue reading

Posted in Logic/Logic Pro/Logic Pro 8, Music Production/Studio Recording | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Workin’ (well semi-workin’) in studio tonite

The CD project is moving forward, though Dan and I have two more songs to record, and a few to mix. I’ve laid out a schedule of things to be done, but right now, I’m playing around with these In … Continue reading

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Sampling and Music Composition- A “Fresh” Perspective. Pt. 3: Presently Speaking

Native Instruments’ Maschine Crew, Hello. Here I am, back with the final installment of this blog post. Took the day off (Happy Birthday to me), sitting in Starbucks, finishing up this blog post. Listening to Foreign Exchange’s “Authenticity” (superb new … Continue reading

Posted in Music Production/Studio Recording, Technology, The Music Industry | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments

Sampling and Music Composition – A “Fresh” Perspective. Pt 2 – Sampling/Interpolation/Legalities

Photo Credit: Akai MPC 2500 w/black pads by: ficusrock Greetings crew… Hope all is well with you. I’ve finally gotten around to Pt 2 of this series. In Part 1, I gave a brief history of sampling and, specifically, the … Continue reading

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Sampling and Music Composition- A “Fresh” Perspective. Pt. 1: In The Beginning

Akai MPC 2000 Photo Credit: Dan Medhurst Welcome readers. I hope this post finds you well. The topic of this post is something I’ve been meaning to write about for quite some time. Sampling has been a long time tool … Continue reading

Posted in Music Production/Studio Recording, Technology, The Music Industry | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Call me a neo-Luddite (old tech wins this round….)

In my recording studio, I have a very old sampler, a Yamaha TX16W. This sampler has a 3.5″ disk drive that reads Yamaha’s proprietary format sample lilbrary. I have at least three cases of sample disks that I’d like to … Continue reading

Posted in Apple, Macintosh, Music Production/Studio Recording, Technology | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Fusion: Where Music, Technology, and Artist Creativity Intersect

Hello readers and listeners. I trust all is well today. This post is a follow-up to the previous post about the subject of an upcoming podcast I hope to resurrect entitled Fusion. The concept of this podcast came to me … Continue reading

Posted in Arts, Music Production/Studio Recording, Photography, Social Networking, Technology | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Coming Soon…. :::FUSION:::

Coming soon… FUSION – Where music, technology, and the artist intersect (a podcast) Stay tuned….4….details. peace, F!

Posted in Music Production/Studio Recording, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments