Category Archives: Arts

where does your creative thinking seem to thrive?

Good morning, I hope the reading of this post finds you well. You are a creative thinker, even in the least bit, whether you are prolific music composer, hobby artist, NewYork Times best-selling author or finger painter. There are certain … Continue reading

Posted in Arts, Daily Musings, Technology | Tagged | 3 Comments

Fresh’s first voiceover – LEGO Star Wars – Flame of the Jedi (Work in Progress)

Yeah me, my first animation voiceover done for a friend @jwads, host of the LAML Radio podcast and LEGO builder extraordinaire. I play the part of…..the ship’s captain! You know I’m an AFOL, right? Enjoy. LEGO Star Wars – Flame … Continue reading

Posted in Arts | Tagged , , , | 8 Comments

Fusion: Where Music, Technology, and Artist Creativity Intersect

Hello readers and listeners. I trust all is well today. This post is a follow-up to the previous post about the subject of an upcoming podcast I hope to resurrect entitled Fusion. The concept of this podcast came to me … Continue reading

Posted in Arts, Music Production/Studio Recording, Photography, Social Networking, Technology | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments