Tag Archives: daily musing

Early morning musings: Twitter

It’s Saturday morning. My alarm woke me up to a sunny day and I remembered that have zero tasks or events on my plate for today. I purposely laid in bed for an hour checking for my usual tech tidbits … Continue reading

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…and the beat goes on.

There’s tea in that cup (as I don’t drink coffee). I’ve learned to deal with a non-coffee lifestyle, which is unusual I know, but it has seemed to work out for me. Not going to say it’s easy to get … Continue reading

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POTD – 22/365

“Does anybody know what time it is, does anybody really care?” – Chicago I love that song by Chicago – the music, the lyrics, the arrangement, just a really great pop song, the kind you really don’t hear anymore. I … Continue reading

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POTD – 21/365

There is an old saying, that I pretty much wholeheartedly subscribe to: “Failing to plan means planning to fail, so plan the work and work the plan” Planning, to me, is not a difficult task at all, I do it … Continue reading

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POTD – 13/365

*Definition of a throwback*You really know the meaning of “throwback” when your childhood friend, same guy who was the bass player in our neighborhood R&B band in the day, texts you a picture of the original lyric sheet of the … Continue reading

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POTD (2/365)

Greetings all… It’s January 2nd already…where is the year going?? LOL The photo below shows a repeatable one, of sorts, that I’ve seen regular during a span of four years – 2014 to 2018 to be exact. This bridge sits … Continue reading

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“It’s called The Walk, The Walk….”

Greetings all, Welcome to September and the last quarter of 2018. Time flies, yadda, yadda, yadda. I’m a fan and user of the Apple Watch for fitness tracking and what Apple occasional does is create various badges and awards in … Continue reading

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