Monthly Archives: July 2016

Summer, summer, summer time…music on my mind.

Greetings readers…. Thursday at 8:04 am. Siting in the studio (I should be on my way to work), I’m thinking about where the summer has gone to so fast. I wish it could start over. Seems it was MUCH longer … Continue reading

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film scoring – the journey – day 9 – Good vibes, next moves…

Greetings readers… Yet another Sunday night is upon us. I had a good weekend, despite this mad heat (which will remain in the upper 90’s throughout the week.). That said, it was productive on the scoring front. Episode 2 is … Continue reading

Posted in Film/TV/Media Scoring, Music Production/Studio Recording | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

film scoring – the journey – day 8 – First submission & feedback

11:00pm – Greetings readers… Another weekend gone… 🙁 In any event, it was short, but productive. I finally submitted the rough cue music embedded in the video for the director’s review. Had a short telecon and pleasingly got the thumbs … Continue reading

Posted in Film/TV/Media Scoring, Music Production/Studio Recording, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | Leave a comment