Category Archives: Film/TV/Media Scoring

Forward Motion – The WIP Rescore of a Dune 2021 Battle Scene

Greetings all, thanks for stopping by. In my quest to become better at composing music-to-picture (film music composition), I set out to find a short film clip to compose to. The exercise was two-fold in that I had small Logic … Continue reading

Posted in Film/TV/Media Scoring, Logic/Logic Pro/Logic Pro 8, Music Production/Studio Recording | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Overcoming Writer’s Block – An Effectual Approach to Writing Music for Film, Television, and Related Media

Greetings all. This year, I’ve decided to focus my efforts in one of two areas of music production: 1 – Composing music for film/TV/media 2 – Sync Licensing The first item I have some experience with, coming from scoring the … Continue reading

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film scoring – the journey – day 10: the final episode

Greetings all… Wednesday night , 11:01 PM EST. I’m sitting here in the studio, just finishing up scoring notes for the final episode of the webseries I’ve been scoring, At Risk. This last episode is definitely classic in that it … Continue reading

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film scoring – the journey – day 10

Greetings readers… It’s been about five months since I’ve last posted a blog, so, in our last episode…(just kidding). Time flies and, on top of that, I’ve been pretty busy trying to compose and get the episode music vetted and … Continue reading

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film scoring – the journey – day 9 – Good vibes, next moves…

Greetings readers… Yet another Sunday night is upon us. I had a good weekend, despite this mad heat (which will remain in the upper 90’s throughout the week.). That said, it was productive on the scoring front. Episode 2 is … Continue reading

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film scoring – the journey – day 8 – First submission & feedback

11:00pm – Greetings readers… Another weekend gone… 🙁 In any event, it was short, but productive. I finally submitted the rough cue music embedded in the video for the director’s review. Had a short telecon and pleasingly got the thumbs … Continue reading

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film scoring – the journey – day 7 – At the scene/in the cloud of sound.

Greetings readers (I should say early good morning), After what has seemed to be some creative block, so to speak, I finally got back to working on music for the first episode of this webseries. At least I have two … Continue reading

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film scoring – the journey – day 6 – It’s Official (generally speaking)

Greetings readers… For the past two days, I’ve been in studio but have dont more learning and experimenting then actually getting this ideas I hear in my head out to be recorded. In the meantime, I know that when I … Continue reading

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Film Scoring – The Journey – Day 5 – The Break/The Block

Greetings readers. 6:35am, Monday Morning. I’ve been up since 4:30 am, trying to (re) effect this early morning, “get at the day” routine by getting into bed every night at a decent time. So far, it’s a good way to … Continue reading

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Film Scoring – The Journey – Day 4 – Official Biz

Greetings…. Saturday morning about 10:28am – rainy, but expected (glad I got the front and the rear lawn mowed). It’s been a busy work week so I’m glad the weekend is here, From a scoring standpoint, it was a bust … Continue reading

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