Category Archives: Podcasting

Podcasting: Then and Now

Podcasting has been around for as long as I have been officially blogging, which means 2007 (or possibly even 2001, when I coded my own home page in Geocities). Today it is big business and far more popular with the … Continue reading

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CH 2014: Every VDay Deserves a Great Soundtrack (A Sunday Soundtrack Special Edition)

Greetings Listeners… I trust this post finds you well. I have returned to the Cupid’s Hunt Podcast Extravaganza after a 4 year layoff. I’m pleased to bring you a special edition of the Sunday Soundtrack for those celebration this “Love’s … Continue reading

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The Sunday Soundtrack – 14 Apr 13

Greetings Listeners…. Welcome to another edition of The Sunday Soundtrack. “It’s been a long time, I shouldn’t have left you…” (a little hip hop lyric reference there). It’s great to be back with another edition, albeit overdue, of the podcast. … Continue reading

Posted in Indie Artists, Podcasting, Sunday Soundtrack Musings, Sunday Soundtrack Podcast | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment