Remember The Time……

My Favorite Song By MJ

3 Responses to “Remember The Time……”

  1. rezzy

    He was a bit odd, certainly unlike most (though past his prime at passing), but what an incredible talent. And like most greats, dies way too young; RIP.

  2. DBassist

    I have followed the J5 since I first heard I want u back on the radio while eating breakfast b4 school and all I can say is that he was doing what it takes others years to purfect at the age of 9/10. Was his talent too great? I say no just that he was in total sync with time for every step he took was at the right moment in time so maybe this was his finale “Gone too soon” though.
    A true Motown/J5 fan

  3. The Sunday Soundtrack (Vibes and Scribes) » Blog Archive » Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack - 28 Jun 09

    […] My prayers and condolences go out to the Jackson Family regarding the loss of their son, Michael Joseph Jackson, this past Friday. Without getting into a long post about this phenomenal artist, I’ll suffice it to say that it’s my belief that the King of Pop has gone to be with The King of Kings: Remember The Time […]

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