Productivity – The Journey Ahead


5:31 AM EST. Good morning to those who are up with me. Some of you reading this know that as of last week, I was supposed to be starting my first day on the new job today – that is until the government exercised the option to pull the contract awarded to the contractor I was going to be supporting. The result – no job start for me (incidentally yesterday, through another government employee, I found out the REAL story on hewhy the contract was pulled). Nevertheless, it’s back to job hunting. One very nice thing to know is that I have more than a handful of people directing me towards resources that can help me land a new gig, and those just encouraging me to keep the faith. To them I am very thankful.

So, why up at 5:31 AM and I have no where to go? The reason ties to yesterday’s post of mine on FB: “I’m a morning person…and a night person….the two rarely mix well. About ta fix that.” That is definitely a true statement for(basically) one reason only – It’s quiet in the early morning AND late at night when no one is up – I can get things done without interruption. The ancillary reasoning is that when I get an early start on the day, it gives me more time to those things accomplished (provided I stick to the script – ha!). The key (as we are studying and discussing in church) is “maximizing and strengthening what you have”, bring every area of your life to the highest level of excellence, through loving and obeying God.

So here we are, 5:45 am. I through on some clothes, spent some time in fellowship and prayer unto God, feeling thankful and grateful for what I *DO* have, and directly after posting this, get down to the job hunt.

From a tech standpoint, there are number of iOS apps out there that assist in the desire to get things done (GTD), I have a few on my iPhone and iPad, but no app gives one the DESIRE to stay the course toward reaching any goals, however, I’ve that (personally) some assist in that better than others. One I like is Evernote, I’m a new user but I like the functionality. There are few others I may try again, but the key is not to spent a lot of time trying one versus another but to find one that helps best to GTD. I may talk about what that app is in the future.

I’ve got a few daily things I have goals for: 1) Financial freedom 2) Becoming a very good coder (specifically in the Python language first), 3) Getting back to (and exceeding) my fitness goals in running 4) Becoming a much better guitarist and studio engineer, and 5) Finding that career sweet spot when I return to work. Lofty goals, I don’t think so, but goals nonetheless. When it comes to productivity (not just being busy), there is a mantra I try to live by: “Failing to plan means planning to fail, so plan the work, then work the plan.” Having God in my iife, even through times of stumble, makes every journey, not just that of productivity, surely worth the while. I am grateful.

5:55am – I’m gone. Have a good day.

::: oceans of rhythm :::


About Fresh

Mac Fan/Sys. Engr - NASA planetary missions. guitarist/producer/AFOL/fitness fan/film+TV+sndtrk composer/podcast host/Python newbie coder. Music by me: Mellowly Cool. Find me on X and Bluesky
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2 Responses to Productivity – The Journey Ahead

  1. rezzy says:

    Stay the course, bro; choppy waters will become still..

  2. Fresh says:

    The choppiness has subsided bro. Thanks for your comment. 🙂

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