Halcyon Sky – The Regrooves EP – Day 23



Sunday night, 9:43pm. As usual, where did the weekend go? It seems like a long minute since I posted. This is probably do to a simple necessity of replacing a dying hard drive in my studio computer. What’s the correlation to not posting? The correlation (reasoning, whatever) is due to the fact that not only did I get it replaced (on Black Friday no doubt), but had to spend day after day reinstalling not just the OS software, but music production software I mostly had backed up to DVD, or frim the original DVD. In 2014, as in other applications of software, many installs are done from the cloud and with a not so spiffy wireless connection, the entire process became too tedious. In addition, add another long desired unit to the production arsenal (one that also need software installation and updates from the cloud), the Maschine Mk2, and time to at least play with it, and there you have about three weeks of time taken up.


So, what’s the deal with the Regrooves EP? I’ve heard one of the remixes that will appear on the project and I *like it*. The concept for the remix I’m providing actually (finally) came to me today (why great inspiration always finds me in the shower is how is for another story, another time!)

As mentioned in an earlier post, this will be a five track EP and the remixer artists I’ve chosen to participate have already released their own tracks, so from what I’ve heared them release, I’ll looking forward to manifestation of their interpretations on the tracks I’ve assigned to them

In any event, I may leak the track names in the next post (wink).

Have a great night/day….

::: oceans of rhythm :::


About Fresh

Mac Fan/Sys. Engr - NASA planetary missions. guitarist/producer/AFOL/fitness fan/film+TV+sndtrk composer/podcast host/Python newbie coder. Music by me: http://SFTF.bandcamp.com. Mellowly Cool. Find me on X and Bluesky
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