POTD – 4/365

“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road” – Jack Kerouac, On The Road

Greetings all.

In my 30 years of working as a professional, there was only a span of two years where I didn’t drive to work. That span of time, 1988 to 1990, was when first moved to Washington, DC (June 1988 to be exact). It was then I caught the Yellow Line from Gallery Place to Crystal City everyday. Other than that, I’ve driven with commute times as little as ten minute and as much as (with traffic on a bad day) 60 mins (I was stuck in the big snowstorm of 1998 between Reston and DC for 8 hours trying to drive home). After all these years, I’d easily sacrifice the sometime long waits for the subway train in order to relax on the way into work versus fighting with rush hour traffic, etc.

Today’s photo is en route home one afternoon from work. On a the best of days, it’s a 35 min commute, partially on the Beltway and I-95. This small stretch has many different looks. This one I caught was a quick minute emptiness ahead with the at just the right angle…before the rain…Hope you enjoy it.



About Fresh

Mac Fan/Sys. Engr - NASA planetary missions. guitarist/producer/AFOL/fitness fan/film+TV+sndtrk composer/podcast host/Python newbie coder. Music by me: http://SFTF.bandcamp.com. Mellowly Cool. Find me on X and Bluesky
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