That was then, this is now.

Now playing: postburialism #5 | deep dark future garage mix | tracklist

Greetings readers, happy holidays. I hope all is well as you are reading this. Here we are, coming to a close of another year with 2025 right around the corner. Whatever 2024 was to you, I hope the following year will be better.

Last week, I received a letter that was mistakenly placed in my mailbox. I recognized the envelope being from my credit union and pretty much knew the type of contents inside. Upon looking again, I saw that it was for my neighbor a few doors down. Easily recognizing the house number was one thing but what I didn’t realize the name. I don’t know how long the residents have been living there but I’m sure it’s been for a good number of years, because I’ve been living at my address since 2001. It’s rare that I get another’s mail but, when it happens, I’ve always known the neighbor. The difference here is that I’ve seen them come and go, but only by car.

In this particular case, it made me think about how very different things are now versus when I grew up as a child in my neighborhood. During those days, I lived in a neighborhood that saw four age groups of kids growing up over time, all nuclear families and every neighbor knew one one another to the point where all the parents looked out for one another’s children in the neighborhood. It wasn’t, as you probably have heard or know, uncommon that if you got in trouble for something, it very well may be that it first happened under the watch of your friend’s parents before they reported it to yours! Stevie Wonder’s lyrics to “I Wish Those Days” are kinda swimming around in my head, as a sentiment to what I’m getting at here, but I won’t digress, LOL

In any event, it just got me to thinking that, because of our street we live on (which has been VERY quiet, opposed to the street I grew up on where us kids were always playing outside in it), we’ve acknowledged the neighbors only on the houses that flanked yours. Sure, driving down the street after so many years, there would be waves exchanged, but knowing each other’s names, let along further engagement, is not anything usual anymore. This, of course, is attributed to many things that have changed over the decades, a fair amount (I believe) are related to, but not only about, technological advances, but I wont digress and wax philosophically about that either, nor will I say this applies to every neighborhood in 2024, as there are too many variables to consider.

In any event, that letter is still downstairs on the counter (I know, bad) and I should walked down and placed in their mailbox, which I will do tomorrow. I’m going to do it around the time the postal carrier delivers the mail on our street, I hopes of maybe catching my neighbors when they come out to check their box. We’ll see.

Take care and, again, Happy 2025 to you and years.

Oceans of rhythm,


About Fresh

Mac Fan/Sys. Engr - NASA planetary missions. guitarist/producer/AFOL/fitness fan/film+TV+sndtrk composer/podcast host/Python newbie coder. Music by me: Mellowly Cool. Find me on X and Bluesky
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