Day 1: 2025

11:25pm EST – Greetings readers, I hope your entry into 2025 was grand, safe, happy, and all that is positive. Mine was, as I spent a quiet night at home watching 2024 come to a close. I’m grateful to have been blessed with a chance to enter into the new year. Today has been quiet and *mostly* productive, and what’s even better is I have the rest of the week off.

This post is nothing but basically a brain dump and reads like a journal entry, I know, I know. Got my first workout the year in, finally got around to getting an extra filing cabinet and some storage boxes to do a LOT of paperwork filing. Cruised around Bluesky off and all day, and continued to reflect on the changes I’ve started and hopt to continue throughout the year. Oh, I did a small Lego build today (it’s been awhile) – the Mars Rover Perseverance, it’s a small Technic polybag build – I like those because they are quick. Afterwards I ended up connecting with a Bluesky user who is in Lego Star Wars, but is alos a fantastic MOC builder (MOC – My Own Creation). I’ve been into Lego as a hobby for a LONG time as an adult, which sprang from my memories as a child playing with them. I have Lego models at work, and as I type this, there are a few space themed (my favorite theme) to the left of me, on a bookshelf, and two Speed Champion models, a Porsche 911 and Ferrari F40 behind me on another bookshelf. Lego Racing, Lego Technic, Lego System, Lego Space (Classic and Neo) Mindstorms themes have been my favorite for a long time. Building is always therapeutic and I really want to get back to doing more of that. The flip side is it can become a rabbit hole of interest, such that I had to pull back from it. There are immensely talented creators in the world of Lego, I mean IMMENSE, which is why it’s continually enjoyable to partake in.

I just finished Round 4 of #100DaysOfCode yesterday, so that was a good way of closing out the year. I’m continuing my Python studies as well as updating (revision 2) of my low power model rocket maximum altitude/peak velocity at engine burnout simulation code. I’m getting the hang (I think) of object oriented programming in Python, but not enough where I am really comfortable in moving on BUT I’ve already began to update my code to reflect what I’ve learned so far, so that’s a good thing.

Anyway, technically, this satisfies my “at least once a month” goal of blogging. I was up until 2:30am this morning and pretty much only got six hours of sleeping. I feel it catching up to me now, so this is good time to end this. Tomorrow is getting a bit more productive, gotta redeem the time before heading back to work on Monday.

Happy 2o05…oceans of rhythm…


About Fresh

Mac Fan/Sys. Engr - NASA planetary missions. guitarist/producer/AFOL/fitness fan/film+TV+sndtrk composer/podcast host/Python newbie coder. Music by me: Mellowly Cool. Find me on X and Bluesky
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