Tag Archives: interview

Beneath The Surface (BTS) Artist Interview #1 – NETM8KR

Back in 2007, when I started this blog, its purpose was twofold: (1) to chronicle music reviews of artist albums I was listening to and (2) everyday topics I wanted to write about. I found the process of reviewing full … Continue reading

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Halcyon Sky (Debut EP) – An Interview with Felicia Hodges

Greetings all… Happy Labor Day to those who’ve had the pleasure of partaking in it, I hope it was enjoyable. I’ve had the pleasure of being interviewed by Felicia Hodges, owner and CEO of Tigerlily Communications, a social media and … Continue reading

Posted in Music Production/Studio Recording | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Incognito Interview: Bluey Maunick/Surreal – 19 April 2012

Greeting ‘Cog fans. I’ve had the extreme pleasure of talking with Bluey about the current release Surreal, the tour so far, and especially about the band Incognito. It was truly a blast to interview the leader of my favorite band … Continue reading

Posted in Indie Artists, Live Music | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments