Category Archives: Photography

POTD – 10/365

Playing the numbers… Greetings good people. I’ve never purchased a lottery ticket, but definitely been “living by the numbers” for almost ten years. I have been working out in the gym, solely (aside from those varied hiatuses) with pen and … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Musings, Fitness/Training/Nutrition, Nike Fuel, Photography | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

POTD – 9/365

“Things that make you go hmmmm…” Greetings readers…. As I was writing checks to mail some bills to be paid (yes I still write checks AND use the USPS to pay bills🤣), I saw, what I’ve seen since I’ve been … Continue reading

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POTD – 8/365

“Coffee, tea or…” Greetings all…. Some of you remember the rest of that cheeky line often said by stewardesses (yes I’m saying “stewardess” vs “flight attendant” for a reason) in TV and movies back in the day. I’m one of … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Musings, Photography, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

POTD – 7/365

Bottoms Up! While waiting in Miami for my connecting flight to Maryland from Jamaica, I spied this present reminder of Southwest Airlines commitment to customer service. The bright blue popped as I wondered what the word “comat” meant. I should … Continue reading

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POTD – 6/365

Greetings all… Well, winter is well underway, complete with associated temperatures in many places. For those experiencing those temps, are you ready for summer yet? The pic below was taken from my driveway almost three years ago to the day. … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Musings, Photography, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

POTD – 5/365

“Get away, let’s leave today, let’s get away! Let’s leave today, let’s get away Let’s get away! Let’s leave today, let’s get away” ThIs is the lyrical hook to Earth, Wind & Fire’s smash 1977 hit “Getaway”, the essence of … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Musings, Photography, Travel | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

POTD – 4/365

“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road” – Jack Kerouac, On The Road Greetings all. In my 30 years of working as a professional, there was only a span of two years where … Continue reading

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POTD – 3/365

“…and on the third day…” Greetings everyone. We’re just about at the tail end of the work week, and that’s a good thing (for me, anyway). I run. I started running of my own volition in July 2010, when I … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Musings, Fitness/Training/Nutrition, Photography | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

POTD (2/365)

Greetings all… It’s January 2nd already…where is the year going?? LOL The photo below shows a repeatable one, of sorts, that I’ve seen regular during a span of four years – 2014 to 2018 to be exact. This bridge sits … Continue reading

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Photo of the Day (POTD) – (1/365)

Greetings all. Happy 2019 to everyone. My hope is that yours will be healthy and prosperous. Earlier today, I was installing some updates to my iPhone and came across one of the the App Store’s standard features on suggested apps. … Continue reading

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