Poll: Physical CD purchase vs digital downloads?

Hello All…

I trust all is well with you and with that trust remains hope all the same.

I’ve been doing some necessary research lately on a topic I think most if not all can relate to (the subject says it all). I would appreciate if you take a few minutes to participate in the poll posted below, I would highly appreciate it (some of you know my reasoning behind presenting this). Afterwards, click on the following link to read a related article and based on what you know, see if you agree or disagree. Again, thanks much!!

Create a poll on SodaHeadAre you more likely to buy a physical music CD or download music?Poll Answers

The related article is here. (Big thanks, (though she had no idea) to Elements Of Jazz for posting this link literally minutes after I finished designing the poll!!)


About Fresh

Mac Fan/Sys. Engr - NASA planetary missions. guitarist/producer/AFOL/fitness fan/film+TV+sndtrk composer/podcast host/Python newbie coder. Music by me: http://SFTF.bandcamp.com. Mellowly Cool. Find me on X and Bluesky
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9 Responses to Poll: Physical CD purchase vs digital downloads?

  1. Tifanei says:

    I love having the physical CD! But…there is a but… I do subscribe to napster.

  2. darrenkeith says:

    I prefer CD to downloads because of the quality and reading the liner notes. (ya know I was going to vote for CDs bro.) 🙂

  3. I haven’t purchased a CD in years. I download all of my music from iTunes and emusic.com. It’s mainly because of the convenience and because I was so tired of importing all of my cd’s into my laptop to transfer onto my iPod.

  4. Dbassist says:

    I consider myself the last holdout on downloading music for I see it as an evolution of sorts. From the old portable record player to the portable cassette to the walkman to the portable CD Player to MP3 players each format was built off the other for the ease of listening to music you like without all the baggage of unwanted LP/CD songs to your own customized song list.

  5. Alton C says:

    Digital downloads are just so convenient and easily transferrable to my blackberry or iPhone. I almost never listen to an entire CD from an artist, but rather like to combine different selections into my own cd. More flexible and to my liking.

  6. Fresh says:

    ::: Tifanei – Thanks for your comment, I see there is a mix with you.

    ::: darenkeith – I already knew, bruh…but I know your ripping stuff from analog to digital (wink).

    ::: Naomi – Your ID says it all, I hear u 100%!

    ::: dbassist – Your statement is definitely accurate

    ::: Alton C – Yes sir, you’ve pretty much summed up the stats that are prevalent today!

  7. Tone says:

    As an artist, I appreciate the ability to bring music to market with very little overhead. As a consumer, I’m oldschool, I need something I can hold, read, have signed, collect and maybe even pass down to the next generation.

  8. Fresh says:

    ::: Tone – True dat. I hear you 100%. Actually, you are the first to mention something even I didn’t think of…that is passing the media (in original form) to the next gen. Good comment.

  9. harvey says:

    i much rather prefer the physical cd, which i can always digitize, than the download. i’ve had some harddrive crashes and lost everything, but with the physical i have a backup. i do download some house mixes, etc, that i can’t find otherwise, but that’s so rare that it adds up to pennies a year.

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