Getting back on the horse (fitness=run+workout)

Image courtesy Healh and Fitness Reports

August 25, 2011 or thereabouts. That was the last run I had that was consistently done after many before that…and I was on vacation in Florida at that. Needless to say, vacation ended and it was back to work for me, back to school for the kids. This, unfortunately (I allowed it) ended consistent workouts and runs. What I realized, though I never physically liked it, was that running did many things for me that I only read about: cleared my mind, made me more alert (day or night), caused me to eat better (my appetite never wanes lol), mentally made me feel greatand forced me to go to bed earlier.

Now that 2012 is here, though I’m not one for new year resolutions, it provides a clean slate. One that I can (and everyone should) approach day by day – especially when trying to achieve goals. After picking up running and getting back in the gym this month, I feel great again. Adopting this schedule (again) doesn’t come without work and a mindset change, but realizing the benefits again is worth it. So, that being said, feel free to encourage me, make me accountable…ha! I’m looking for different ways to keep the momentum and motivation up. I think blogging on the regular might work, I’ll try it..we’ll see. If anything, maybe it will motivate others. Consider this the first post of many.

I mentioned that I dislike running. Actually since I started in July 2010, made some progress (small but nonetheless) since then, that’s probably not true. If it wasn’t for the Nike Plus system and other ways of electro-virtually tracking my performance, I don’t think running would be as interesting…though I really like the ease of being able to do it (being non-dependent on equipment etc), not to mention how it improves cardiovascular health. The whole tracking performance by numbers technology highly appeals to me.

The one key phrase I hope to live by this year and beyond is “optimize” – fitness, health, work, relationships, musicianship, financial health, but most importantly, the one and true foundation – my relationship with Jesus and God. Though physical fitness excites me, one scripture keeps me grounded about it – 1 Timothy 4:8.

In any event, one foot in the saddle, thanks for the read. Not yet 8am yet, which gives me time for a nice hot shower and still make it to work on time. Let’s go…

Have a great day…

::: Fresh :::

About Fresh

Mac Fan/Sys. Engr - NASA planetary missions. guitarist/producer/AFOL/fitness fan/film+TV+sndtrk composer/podcast host/Python newbie coder. Music by me: Mellowly Cool. Find me on X and Bluesky
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2 Responses to Getting back on the horse (fitness=run+workout)

  1. Calandra says:

    Welcome back to the blogosphere. Don’t worry, I’m sure there will be MANY who will help hold you accountable. 😉 My key words this year are creativity and discipline. Though they sound contradictory, once expressed, creativity needs to be packaged in an organized fashion. Discipline helps create and work that plan. My father-in-law always quotes (in his deep Alabama preacher’s drawl), “Just plan your work, and work your plan!” We’re planning and work right with ya Mr. Fresh!! Peace.

  2. Fresh says:

    ::: Calandra – Thanks, it’s been a few months. U think there are many, huh? Time will tell 🙂 I think creativity and discipline can peacefully co-exist. in the way you described it….definitely go for it. As for granddad’s quote, I use the same just about everyday, but mine is expanded based on my pastor’s quote: “Failing to plan means planning to fail, so plan the work and work the plan!” Let’s go!

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