Greetings all.
Hope you are well. Here we are halfway through November 2022, and on the way to completing another year already. It seems like January 2022 was just upon us.
Earlier this week I was perusing a Facebook group about the Apple Watch Ultra. Someone had post a photo of a watch face with a closeup of Christmas lights against his real decorated Christmas tree. The question in the post was: “Does anyone have their Christmas tree up yet?” One comment in the thread responded by saying he put his yup last week. Early this week was November 7th, which means the commenter put up his tree at the end of October – a whole seven weeks before Christmas Day.
I’m fortunate enough to look back to a time where holiday celebrations, and the focus thereof, happened closer to the actual holiday. This is not to say that the commercialism of the holiday wasn’t evident then, but it’s always seemed that as the years went by, the commercialism of the holidays seem to take precedence over the meaning of the holiday itself – especially for Christmas time.
Thanksgiving has always been an interesting holiday, based on the reasoning behind why we choose to celebrate it (which I totally get, as it is the day in the US where we recognize, collectively, that we should give thanks for what we have), yet considering the history of interaction of Columbus and his crew with the Native Americans they encountered (and the results thereof), is VERY ironic.
As for Christmas, I literally focus on what the meaning of the actual word is and the “reason for the season” (which to some may be the purchasing of the best gifts ever). Christmas, for me, is the true inception of “thanksgiving”.
Back to commercialism, I don’t knock it, that’s not what this post is about. Holiday commercialism has been, and will always be, an inherent part of the holiday season – not just for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day, but for all the others that precede them. It is the foundation and engine that drives business, after all, who DOESN’T like to take advantage of a good sale when one can? I just try to focus on the meaning behind the holiday and to not get stressed by the barrage of/expectations that come along with the commercialism of such.
What are your thoughts? Either way, I hope your holiday season is a happy and safe one.
Oceans of rhythm…
Thanksgiving used to be my favorite holiday until I moved to England. We tried to keep the tradition going, but over the years we drifted away from it because it’s not a holiday and nobody celebrates it. It’s funny that the Brits adopted Black Friday but not Thanksgiving. But I guess that speaks to the commercialism you allude to. I enjoyed Christmas as a kid, and I enjoyed Christmas when my children were little, but now, we keep it low key. Nobody is allowed to spend more than £5 on a gift. It’s more like a day of giving thanks for us. We do laugh at people who put their Christmas decorations up at the start of November.
I have friends who love the holiday(s), especially Thanksgiving and Christmas. Beyond the scope of commercialism and more about the experience; family, friends, food and showing love. For them more importantly are the decorations. —Lol, they started the first week of November.
Capitalism has deviled anything of its true identity. As you mentioned, as children and parents who were immigrants, they instilled the authenticity of these celebrated days. Well, I should say for many of us. Hopefully we have carried that message forward to our offspring. Otherwise consumerism would have us having shopping sprees for: Ramadan, Juneteenth, MLK Jr. Day and Gulf War Day.
I forgot what store I was visiting and Christmas music was playing. For me it’s to a point where the Holidays are just “money grabbing” days and hearing Christmas songs this early makes you shake your head.
Well said. My father didn’t buy our live tree until right before Christmas Eve. I can’t get with this “Christmas before Thanksgiving” mentality!
D, I couldn’t agree with you more…seriously.
It’s been crazy for so long, it’s saddening to me.
Bring the knowledge, Andre, you hit the nail square on the head!
B, I don’t get it man, I just don’t – the entire holiday season gets watered down.
Clay, the low key is the same here – the act of gift giving is based on the Biblical meaning, hardly the commercialization of it. Happy Holidays to you and your family.
Hahah yes…the old school way is the best.