Tag Archives: nu-jazz

Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 14 Jun 09 (for 21 Jun 09)

Hello listeners, Twitter followers and Facebook group members… Thanks again for tuning into another edition of The Sunday Soundtrack. I trust your weekend and/or week is going well. It’s been a good one thus far. Work is getting busier and … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 07 Jun 09

Hello Listeners… Good to be back with another Sunday Soundtrack podcast. It’s my gift to you (as well as me) and I really enjoy every chance I get to do it. I hope your week has been good, or is … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 17 May 09

Hello listeners… As usual, glad to bring you another Sunday Soundtrack…a late Sunday Soundtrack, but one nevertheless. I hope you enjoy it. All quiet on the Eastern front here. Coming off of a 3-day weekend, and even that was too … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 10 May 09

Crew… Thanks for stopping in again for this week’s Sunday Soundtrack. As usual. always a complete pleasure in sharing this musical pallette every week that I can. This week’s playlist includes a continuation of tracks from the Obsession Lounge compilation, … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 26 Apr 09

Hello Listeners…. Glad to be back with another edition of the Sunday Soundtrack. Thanks for coming by to get a lil bit of smoothness during your day, night, or in between. I had a nice weekend last weekend and this … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 05 Apr 09

Photo Credit: Mr Fresh. All Rights Reserved 2009 Welcome back again, friends/listeners. Ok, this is technically still the Sunday Soundtrack since it was uploaded before 12am PST (my rules…lol) I trust all is well. This particular SSP returns to the … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 22 Mar 08

Hello listeners! Welcome back to the Sunday Soundtrack. HAPPY VERNAL EQUINOX (Spring has finally arrived….although the temps on Friday were NON seasonal…haha). In any event, bye bye Winter… I’m ready for spring and the birth of all things refreshing. Hope … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 08 Mar 09

Hello listeners…how’s everyone’s weekend going? I trust it’s going well. I’m sitting here in Panera Bread composing this post. I was interviewed today by a fellow follower on Twitter, Deb Allison Lee, a professional organizer here in the DC Metro … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 1 Mar 09

Photo Credit: Christophe Sandot Hey everyone…welcome back to The Sunday Soundtrack. Goodbye February…hello March. Two months gone already in ’09…wow…somebody slow it down…geez!. In any event, glad you can join me again. Hope your day is going well. The type … Continue reading

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Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack (recast 1 Jun 08) – 22 Feb 09

Hey folks…. Thanks for listening in once again. While this week wasn’t VERY busy (this past Friday night and Saturday evening moreso), I didn’t get the new tracks I was hoping to get, and currently need to troubleshoot a mic … Continue reading

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